Our Story

Launched in 1999, ServarusRM was born out of necessity. A long-term care organization was struggling with poor survey performances and facing litigation issues. They needed to understand what their quality assurance process was missing. The feeling was that if they could somehow understand and manage that process, they could in turn understand and minimize their associated exposures and therefore their risks.

Along came ERMA® (electronic risk management assistant). ERMA® was designed to track and trend incidents occurring within each facility and aggregate that information across a spectrum that was easy to measure and understand. This allowed the organization to not only understand the individual facility but also to look across their entire continuum of services. Resident incident analysis and subsequent corrective actions that previously took months to identify were now being addressed in hours or days.

Since that time, ERMA® has evolved into a comprehensive quality assurance/risk management system that provides 24/7 risk management oversight along with an industry first 24/7 alert system that is customer defined to inform appropriate parties within minutes of occurrences based on severity. The ability to address issues virtually within minutes of the event is paramount.

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